Subject: Re: send-pr IPv6 patches?
To: None <>
From: Christos Zoulas <>
List: current-users
Date: 12/02/1999 14:17:47
In article <>,
Feico Dillema <> wrote:
>I just made a patch for syslogd to support IPv6 and am about to
>send-pr it. This made me wonder whether it might be a good idea
>to have a separate send-pr category for IPv6 patches, just like
>there's one for y2k? Opinions?
>BTW, will it be considered a bug in NetBSD-1.5 if a userland
>program does not support IPv6. I.e. is full IPv6 support
>scheduled and required for 1.5? (Any rough ideas yet on when
>1.5 will be released, BTW?).
It is unclear that we'll be able to port all programs to use
IPV6 in time for 1.5. It is a good thing to consider, and I
would support creating a PR category for it.