Subject: #cvs.lock via rsync
To: None <>
From: Andrew Gillham <>
List: current-users
Date: 12/04/1999 12:42:59
Occasionally a '#cvs.lock' directory gets rsync'd, which then
causes a problem, when I try to cvs update against my rsync'd
repository. Rather than every person who uses rsync having to
add "--exclude '#cvs.lock'" to their rsync options, would it make
sense to have this done on the rsync server?
Also, how are other people using rsync? I currently just rynsc
into /u0/netbsd/, and then on an internal client I set my CVSROOT
After the initial 'cvs checkout src', I just run 'cvs update -d -P'
in /usr/src on the client. Unfortunately I also need to do a
make cleandir or things like 'gdb' will cause cvs to fail. (e.g.
it wants to make a gnu/usr.bin/gdb/gdb directory, then prune it?)
So the whole process looks like:
server# rsync -avz --delete --exclude '#cvs.lock' rsync:// anoncvs
client# cd /usr/src
client# make cleandir
client# cvs update -d -P
If I don't do the 'cleandir' first, cvs will fail to update, unless I omit
the '-d' option. If I omit the '-d' option, I don't get any new
subdirectories, and a subsequent 'make build' will/may fail. I would
prefer to not 'cleandir' first, so I can easily update without a full
build cycle.
This seems like it should be easy, but I'm not a cvs wizard, and so
far I've used the above process.
Andrew Gillham | This space left blank | inadvertently.
I speak for myself, not for my employer. | Contact the publisher.