Subject: Re: CVS repository copy is the least preferred way of moving files
To: Greg A. Woods <>
From: Perry E. Metzger <>
List: current-users
Date: 12/15/1999 22:54:17
May I ask that everyone stop responding to Mr. Woods? Simply because
he's got boundless energy to post inane replies is no reason for us to
follow him down the vortex. (Greg A. Woods) writes:
> [ On Wednesday, December 15, 1999 at 18:13:25 (-0500), Thor Lancelot Simon wrote: ]
> > Wrong. The *only* way to move files in a CVS-controlled source tree,
> > while retaining revision history, involves a careful repository copy.
> Ah, no, you're wrong there (though I suppose it depends on what exactly
> you mean by "retaining revision history").