Subject: Re: ^W killed my line
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: current-users
Date: 03/02/2000 02:31:45
>> [...] losing word-erase is a price I know I'm paying for getting the
>> rest of line editing.

> In emacs mode you don't lose word-erase capability.  It is:

> (If you haven't done "stty intr ^?" then <ESC><DELETE> will work
> too.)

Hmm.  Thanks for the note, though I think that as far as I'm concerned
it makes little difference; it's not worth teaching my fingers yet a
third type of word-erase.  (They currently know ^W for line-oriented
input (and vi insert mode) and esc-h within emacs.)

					der Mouse

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