Subject: www kernel compile facility
To: None <>
From: Kernel grinder mail account <>
List: current-users
Date: 03/11/2000 12:43:31
A facility for compiling NetBSD kernels to order via a web interface is
now available at
Please note that the system isn't very powerful, and I've quite tightly
restricted the number of connections, so if you get refused, please try
again later.
What it does:
1) Provides a set of forms based on the standard kernel configs,
allows you to include or exclude options at will.
2) If you want the kernel built, it will go in the queue and be
compiled in turn.
3) The results are then made available on the results page, where
they will remain for about seven days.
What it does not do:
1) Send an e-mail at any point, even when it's finished your job.
2) Cross-compile. Yet. But I'm working on it. So for the
moment, it can generate customised config files, but can only compile for
3) Check the config file before submitting it. This is something
I also want to fix, but for the moment, if you submit a broken config, it
will attempt and fail to build the kernel.
4) Look pretty.
Anyway, have a go, let me know what you think. I'm still working on it,
so if you have any good suggestions, let me know.
I'd also like to say thanks to all those people who've offered me hardware
and facilities for this project, and in particular to Roger Brookes and
Dave Tyson for sorting out this machine with a home and a network