Subject: Re: krb5 and krb4, revisited
To: Peter Seebach <>
From: Aidan Cully <>
List: current-users
Date: 04/08/2000 15:06:17
On Wed, Apr 05, 2000 at 11:00:19AM -0500, Peter Seebach wrote:
> Well, I did some tests on my local networks. My problem appears to be
> that my krb5 (NetBSD) machine is sending packets on udp port 88 ("kerberos",
> in /etc/services) rather than on port 750 ("kerberos4"). I noticed that
> kinit had a '-S service_name', but this doesn't do what I expected; the
> packets still go on port 88.
Unless I'm mistaken, the '-S service_name' parameter, when unspecified,
defaults to 'krbtgt/REALM.COM@REALM.COM'.
The krb5 kinit in NetBSD does not have support for running against a
krb4 KDC. Sorry. On the plus side, the krb5kdc *does* have support
for running against krb4 clients.