Subject: Re: mount question
To: Geoff Wing <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: current-users
Date: 04/09/2000 18:03:58
On Sun, Apr 09, 2000 at 01:57:12PM +0000, Geoff Wing wrote:
> And if it gets corrupted you can get into a situation where it panics,
> system reboots, fscks, lfs gets mounted, panics within 1 second, repeat .....

1) I think the bugs causing this behavior have been fixed. I've not run into
   this for weeks now (but I may just have been lucky).
2) I've never got LFS corrupted to the point it would panic the system when
   mounted read-only. This means that if you run in a situation where you
   need to newfs_lfs it again you should be able to boot single user, mount
   the fs read-only and backup it (I've always been able to). Not acceptable
   for a production system, but it is for my own use :)

Manuel Bouyer <>