Subject: Re: mozilla maintainer wanted
To: Ron Roskens <>
From: Mike Pumford <>
List: current-users
Date: 04/25/2000 23:25:14
> On Tue, 25 Apr 2000 11:56:57 +0100 Tim Walls
> <> wrote:
> Except that even doing you still can't run the regExport binary
> since:
> pos# ldd regExport
> regExport:
> -lplds4 => not found
> -lplc4 => not found
> -lnspr4 => not found
> -lxpcom.1 => not found
That's what the script is for.
Oh as an aside I'm doing mozilla things on arm32 for which the first
obstacle is the machine dependant code in xpcom. I had some code which
mostly worked a while back but the current tree (as of yesterday) won't
even build.