Subject: Re: cvs update failed
To: None <>
From: Feico Dillema <>
List: current-users
Date: 04/28/2000 17:26:46
On Fri, Apr 28, 2000 at 05:10:11PM +0200, wrote:
> require more extensive editing and can't be pasted right "from
> here to there", so I've BCC'ed the www folks in this reply.
> 1) How to convert an unpacked source set to use anoncvs (or
>    another CVS server)
>    The source set may have a different CVS root specified than
>    anoncvs -- earlier distributions have at least used the master
>    CVS root as CVS root in the source sets.  To convert a source
>    tree in /usr/src to use anoncvs, do
>    $ cd /usr/src
>    $ find . -name Root | while read f; do
>    > echo > $f
>    > done
>    $

Here's a (simpler?) alternative way from the OpenBSD anoncvs WWW manual:

       NOTE: if you are updating a source tree that you initially
       fetched from a different server, or from a CD, you must add the -d
       $CVSROOT options to cvs. You must also set the CVS_IGNORE_REMOTE_ROOT 
       environment variable. 

> 2) Under point 6) in the existing description of how to check out
>    an anoncvs tree, there should be an entry for how to check out
>    the international crypto tree.
minor correction: the complete source tree with international crypto

>    fixed.  I also think the pointer to the anoncvs info for the
>    Tromsų server should point directly to
>    You may want to check that with Feico, though.)
I have no problem with that. 
