Subject: Re: DESTDIR build does not use newly built libraries in libasn1?
To: None <,>
From: David Querbach <>
List: current-users
Date: 07/11/2000 18:25:08
> On Mon 10 Jul 2000 at 19:29:33 -0400, Bill Sommerfeld wrote:
> > At the moment, a bunch of the host tools, including these, are not
> > written particularly portably (i.e., they use functions which aren't
> > in POSIX, like strl*). This will hopefully be corrected in some way
> > or another..
> I hope so... as it is, somebody has gone out of their way to make them
> unusable (by explicitly depending on new functions). For now, I link
> them with $DESTDIR libs anyway...
Would it be unreasonable to promise that -current would always be able to
build under the latest official stable release?
David Querbach
Real-Time Systems Inc.