Subject: Re: strange cs4280 sampling rate (Re: Strange ESS1869 playback
To: None <>
From: Tatoku Ogaito <>
List: current-users
Date: 07/25/2000 11:15:39
>> On Mon, 24 Jul 2000 02:26:31 +0400
Piter G Oseneff <> wrote:
> I can state that I have no problem with the sample rate:
> when playing mp3s I can set any sample rate, for example - 11KHz or standart
> 44100 - everything is OK.
> But I have a one strange thing when playing mp3s:
> During playing, when one track changes another, sometimes,
> the new track starts playing with a huge distortion and so on
> this goes through several tracks then disappears.
You mean this distortion continues for few seconds or longer ?
What kind of distortion ?
> Is it b'cuz of using new codec ?
> What do you think.
It seems to me that all functions used in cs4280.c are same for
both of cs4297 and cs4297a, so I think it should be work with