Subject: Re: USB Nikon Coolpix 990
To: Wolfgang Rupprecht <>
From: None <>
List: current-users
Date: 09/23/2000 01:51:33
>I'll try to get a reply from Nikon, but I suspect they will not be
>helpful. This camera has both a serial line download protocol and a
>USB protocol. The core serial-line version protocol is the same one
>used in many digital cameras (Itojun, remember the camedia protocol?
>This is yet another one of those cameras!) That protocol has been
>under NDA for over 3 years now.
>If I were to take a guess, I'd assume that they simply put the old
>rs-232 version of the protocol over a USB pipe.
hi, i have never tried Coolpix990 myself. if the protocol is the same,
yes, if we can attach the usb device as normal serial device,
camediaplay or photopc (both in pkgsrc/graphics) will work.