Subject: Re: IDE Breakage in 1.5: false alarm?
To: Manuel Bouyer <>
From: Curt Sampson <>
List: current-users
Date: 02/07/2001 16:35:25
On Wed, 7 Feb 2001, Manuel Bouyer wrote:
> Mode 1, isn't it ? The chipset can at best do mode 2.
Right. What I get is this:
wd0: transfer error, downgrading to Ultra-DMA mode 1
wd0(pciide0:0:0): using PIO mode 4, Ultra-DMA mode 1 (using DMA data transfers)
wd0a: DMA error reading fsbn 16 of 16-31 (wd0 bn 79; cn 0 tn 1 sn 16), retrying
wd0: soft error (corrected)
root file system type: ffs
Now the drive itself does do Mode 2 Ultra DMA (and mode 4, even), so
what's with the downgrade? Is it the chipset? Sounds like it, from this:
> The machine I'm typing this has a P5A, and never noticed any problems other
> than not being able to do UDMA mode 2 with Ultra/66 or Ultra/100 drives
> (works fine with Ultra/33 drives).
Anyway, I think we have a false alarm here, as when I got into work
this morning I found a screen continuously scrolling `uncorrectable
data error' messages on three different blocks. I put in a new drive
and whacked on it a bit (multiple concurrent bonnies and large untars)
and have had no problems, but trying even to fsck one of the inner
partitions on the old drive I get:
wd1: transfer error, downgrading to Ultra-DMA mode 1
wd1(pciide0:1:0): using PIO mode 4, Ultra-DMA mode 1 (using DMA data transfers)
wd1f: DMA error reading fsbn 64 of 64-175 (wd1 bn 3912364; cn 4140 tn 1 sn 1), retrying
wd1: soft error (corrected)
wd1: transfer error, downgrading to DMA mode 2
wd1(pciide0:1:0): using PIO mode 4, DMA mode 2 (using DMA data transfers)
wd1g: uncorrectable data error reading fsbn 197456 of 197456-197567 (wd1 bn 4629506; cn 4898 tn 14 sn 14), retrying
wd1: transfer error, downgrading to PIO mode 4
wd1(pciide0:1:0): using PIO mode 4
wd1g: uncorrectable data error reading fsbn 197456 of 197456-197567 (wd1 bn 4629506; cn 4898 tn 14 sn 14), retrying
wd1g: uncorrectable data error reading fsbn 197456 of 197456-197567 (wd1 bn 4629506; cn 4898 tn 14 sn 14), retrying
wd1g: uncorrectable data error reading fsbn 197456 of 197456-197567 (wd1 bn 4629506; cn 4898 tn 14 sn 14), retrying
wd1g: uncorrectable data error reading fsbn 197464 of 197456-197567 (wd1 bn 4629514; cn 4898 tn 14 sn 22), retrying
wd1g: uncorrectable data error reading fsbn 197464 of 197456-197567 (wd1 bn 4629514; cn 4898 tn 14 sn 22)
So it looks to me like the drive just happened to fail at the time I
did the upgrade.
Curt Sampson <> 917 532 4208 de gustibus, aut bene aut nihil
She saw that he had singled her out from the three...for no reasoned purpose
of further acquaintance, but in commonplace obedience to conjunctive orders
from headquarters, unconsciously received by unfortunate men when the last
intention of their lives is to be occupied with the feminine.