Subject: Re: Bridge support added to NetBSD-current
To: Anders Franzen <>
From: Tracy J. Di Marco White <>
List: current-users
Date: 08/22/2001 09:03:45
}2, I have a NetBsd machine in my first floor doing IPF and NAT and
}acting as a gateway between my external ADSL world and
}   my Internal 802.11 radiolan. Then I have a couple of wired computers
}on the second floor, and one with access to the radiolan.
}    I wanted to use the one with the airport card on second floor as a
}bridge to the various wired computers.
}   The problem is that is does not seem to work. When for example a
}Windows machine tries to do DHCP, I can see the
}    messages with tcpdump on the incomming ethernet on the bridge. I can
}also see it with tcpdump on the airport card.
}    but it does enter the IPF/NAT/Gateway.  What I wonder (which migth
}be out of scope) is if there is any problems
}    with sending frames with other than own mac address as source
}address and WEP with the airport card (Lucent wavelan) . Has anyone
}tried this?
}    the airport card uses the wi driver.

From various messages I've seen, the firmware on the Lucent wavelan/orinoco
cards makes the cards unable to pass other MAC addresses.

Tracy J. Di Marco White
Project Vincent Systems Manager