Subject: Re: Is 'make build' really broke?
To: Ken Cross <>
From: Andrew Brown <>
List: current-users
Date: 09/01/2001 05:57:22
>> >Has *anybody* done a successful make build recently? If so:
>> yes. from sources cvs updated on august 20, at 3:20pm gmt. or
>> thereabouts. it took about 20 minutes for the update to complete.
>It was around that date I started having problems. Twice in the last 4 days
>I've done complete checkouts to make sure I hadn't screwed something up, so
>mine are very recent.
hmm...i suppose i should expect proglems if i update again, then.
>> > o What tools are you using (/usr/bin or toolchain or combination)?
>> uh...whatever gets built by default on sparc. i decided to do my
>> sparc because that's the most "disposable" of my machines. if it gets
>> burned up doing a build, i can just reinstall or whatever.
>I'm on 386 machines, although I've been trying to do it on 3 different ones
>with similar results (must be because the same operator is involved :) ).
could be. :)
>> > o What are the settings in mk.conf?
>> BSDOBJDIR!=echo /usr/obj/${MACHINE}-on-`uname -m`
>> TOOLDIR!=echo /usr/src/tools-`uname -m`
>> i'm just a little pedantic. :)
>Hmm. I've been using:
> __TOOLARCH!=uname -m
> TOOLDIR=/usr/obj/tools/obj.$(__TOOLARCH)
yeah...i think i posted that. then i decided that the !=echo thing i
have above accomplishes the same end result in less lines.
>which are the tools built (unless MKTOOLS=no is set). Maybe I'll give your
>setting a try.
hmm...i didn't end up with a tools directory with stuff in it.
perhaps because i didn't create the directory ahead of time. fleh.
>Thanks for the feedback!
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