Subject: Re: HEADS UP: new toolchain info! (now default on i386)
To: NetBSD-current <>
From: Peter Seebach <>
List: current-users
Date: 09/23/2001 16:39:59
In message <>, Xavier HUMBE
RT writes:
>In message <>,
>Peter Seebach wrote:
>>I "fixed" this by changing to say:
>Thanks for the tip. It worked last week, but I ran in the very same
>problem this night.
>I'm too tired to go to cvsweb now (23:00 GMT+0200) to check if something
>was changed.
My build eventually failed because there was a "-c -o foo.o ..." that
had multiple .c files, or something similar, somewhere in libgcc. I turned
off USE_NEW_TOOLCHAIN to see if I could build without it, and then I'll try
going back. Argh.