Subject: Building sets...
To: None <>
From: Peter Seebach <>
List: current-users
Date: 09/24/2001 20:16:16
Okay, base is going, but comp isn't now. :(
making comp.tgz
pax: Unable to access ./usr/include/g++/std/bastring_inst.h <No such file or directory>
pax: Unable to access ./usr/include/g++/std/complext_inst.h <No such file or directory>
pax: Unable to access ./usr/lib/libbfd.a <No such file or directory>
pax: Unable to access ./usr/libexec/collect2 <No such file or directory>
pax: Unable to access ./usr/share/ldscripts/elf32_sparc.x <No such file or directory>
[snip lots more ldscripts]
I am starting to wonder if I'm doing this right.