Subject: Distributing supp'ed files inside a network
To: None <>
From: Xavier HUMBERT <>
List: current-users
Date: 10/23/2001 09:13:34
I have 4 or more machines running NetBSD. For each I fetch via sup
daily allsrc for current, and weekly the remaining (pkgsrc, xsrc, doc,
allsrc for release)
It seems that a good approch would be to distribute locally what an
unique machine fetched.
The first method that comes in mind is mirror, but it's not very
efficient. Actually, we have the log from sup -v, which should be parsed
to generate a batch to send to other hosts, via scp, ftp, uucp or
whatever appropriate.
- does such a tool exist ?
- if it does not exists, is there an interest for such a tool ?
Xavier HUMBERT - Systemes et Reseaux |