Subject: "filtered" shared libraries
To: None <,>
From: None <>
List: current-users
Date: 11/01/2001 10:45:40
``Filtered Libraries: Filtered shared libraries divide up a large library
into one filter and several implementation libraries. The user links
against the filter library, but the real definitions of data and
functions actually resides in the implementation libraries. At run
time, only those implementation libraries that are actually used are
loaded. Filtered libraries can be nested; an implementation library can
itself be a filtered library containing other implementation libraries.''
``Filtered shared libraries allow developers to reduce the memory
footprint of their shared libraries by providing for deferred loading
of shared libraries (load-on-bind, referred to as ``lazy loading'').
Filtering divides up a large library into one filter and several
implementation libraries.''
Sounds like a cool idea, does already do this?
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