Subject: Re: probleme bulding current
To: gabriel rosenkoetter <>
From: Luke Mewburn <>
List: current-users
Date: 01/10/2002 14:01:26
On Wed, Jan 09, 2002 at 02:53:02PM -0500, gabriel rosenkoetter wrote:
| On Wed, Jan 09, 2002 at 05:22:01PM +0000, David Laight wrote:
| > But since such a filesystem cannot be used until the new kernel is built
| > the toolchain shouldn't need makefs. If we are going to populate the new
| > filesystem we have to be running a kernel that knows about it - and
| > hence we can (presumably) use the native makefs.
| I'm speaking out of turn, since I'm nowhere near the people
| importing makefs into the toolchain, but I think that it's wanted
| there in order to make the creation of install media during the
| creation of a release/snapshot simpler. (It does. makefs really
| rocks. Play with it some time. Then go thank Todd for it. :^>)
Well, thank Luke for makefs, since Luke wrote it; thank Todd for the
funky toolchain stuff. Then thank Perry, for paying Luke & Todd :)
makefs is quite useful in building and *populating* NetBSD ffs
file systems for install media (e.g, floppies, miniroots, etc),
possibly on non-NetBSD hosts, without needing root privileges.
At the moment, the building of install media for a release requires
root (for vnconfig(8)), and a system with vnd (such as NetBSD).
A lot of work has been occuring in the NetBSD source tree to
allow building of releases from the NetBSD-current source tree,
on a non-NetBSD current system, as an unprivileged user, without
having to update your system's /usr/include, /usr/lib (et al),
because that might not be appropriate.
- building a NetBSD-current sparc64 release on a NetBSD 1.5
i386 machine.
- building a NetBSD-current arm32 release on a 12 CPU
Solaris/sparc build host, without having root privileges
on that host
There are many other possibilities.
We're also considering adding other back-end file system support into
makefs(8), such as iso, ext2fs, FAT32, etc. This will occur as I get
the spare time, or someone pays us to do it in a shorter time frame :-)
| > I can't see a valid use for makefs until you are running with the new
| > kernel.
See Above.
| Todd's made a temporary fix (pulling makefs back out of the build
| process till it's fixed up to build regardless of the host OS)
| which should appear on anoncvs the next time it's synched. (No,
| you didn't miss a public announcement, go query the PR.)
Yes, Todd fixed it appropriately until I fix the tools/makefs version
of makefs to compile on non NetBSD-current systems.
Luke Mewburn <>
Luke Mewburn <>
Wasabi Systems - NetBSD hackers for hire
NetBSD - the world's most portable UNIX-like operating system