Subject: Opera 6.0TP3 for Linux doesn't work
To: None <>
From: Bang Jun-Young <>
List: current-users
Date: 01/21/2002 23:38:07

I can't make Opera 6.0TP3 for Linux work on my machine. The 
splash screen shows up, and Opera draws windows, menus, dialogs, etc.
then it goes down. ktruss log is as follows:

Segmentation fault - core dumped
 18612 ktruss   execve("/home/junyoung/bin/opera", 0xbfbfd708, 0xbfbfd710) Err#2 ENOENT
 18612 ktruss   emul(netbsd)
 18612 ktruss   execve("/bin/opera", 0xbfbfd708, 0xbfbfd710) Err#2 ENOENT
 18612 ktruss   execve("/sbin/opera", 0xbfbfd708, 0xbfbfd710) Err#2 ENOENT
 18612 ktruss   "/bin/sh"                          JUSTRETURN
 18612 sh       emul(netbsd)
 18612 sh       getpid                             = 18612
 18612 sh       __sysctl(0xbfbfd4d4, 0x2, 0xbfbfd4cc, 0xbfbfd4d0, 0, 0) = 0
 18612 sh       "/etc/malloc.conf"                 Err#2 ENOENT
 18612 sh       mmap(0, 0x1000, 0x3, 0x1002, 0xffffffff, 0, 0, 0) = 1208676352
 18612 sh       break(0x80b745c)                   = 0
 18612 sh       break(0x80b845c)                   = 0
 18612 sh       break(0x80b9000)                   = 0
 18612 sh       break(0x80ba000)                   = 0
 18612 sh       break(0x80bb000)                   = 0
 18612 sh       geteuid                            = 1001
 18612 sh       open("/usr/bin/opera", 0, 0xbfbfd5fc) = 3
 18612 sh       fcntl(0x3, 0, 0xa)                 = 10
 18612 sh       close(0x3)                         = 0
 18612 sh       fcntl(0xa, 0x2, 0x1)               = 0
 18612 sh       getuid                             = 1001
 18612 sh       geteuid                            = 1001
 18612 sh       getgid                             = 1002
 18612 sh       getegid                            = 1002
 18612 sh       __sigaction14(SIGINT, 0, 0xbfbfd5d4) = 0
 18612 sh       __sigaction14(SIGINT, 0, 0xbfbfd5d4) = 0
 18612 sh       __sigaction14(SIGINT, 0xbfbfd5d4, 0) = 0
 18612 sh       __sigaction14(SIGINT, 0xbfbfd5c4, 0xbfbfd5ac) = 0
 18612 sh       __sigaction14(SIGQUIT, 0, 0xbfbfd5d4) = 0
 18612 sh       __sigaction14(SIGQUIT, 0, 0xbfbfd5d4) = 0
 18612 sh       __sigaction14(SIGQUIT, 0xbfbfd5d4, 0) = 0
 18612 sh       __sigaction14(SIGQUIT, 0xbfbfd5c4, 0xbfbfd5ac) = 0
 18612 sh       __sigaction14(SIGHUP, 0, 0xbfbfd5d4) = 0
 18612 sh       __sigaction14(SIGHUP, 0, 0xbfbfd5d4) = 0
 18612 sh       __sigaction14(SIGHUP, 0xbfbfd5d4, 0) = 0
 18612 sh       __sigaction14(SIGHUP, 0xbfbfd5c4, 0xbfbfd5ac) = 0
 18612 sh       __sigaction14(SIGTSTP, 0, 0xbfbfd5d4) = 0
 18612 sh       __sigaction14(SIGTSTP, 0, 0xbfbfd5d4) = 0
 18612 sh       __sigaction14(SIGTSTP, 0xbfbfd5d4, 0) = 0
 18612 sh       __sigaction14(SIGTSTP, 0xbfbfd5c4, 0xbfbfd5ac) = 0
 18612 sh       __sigaction14(SIGPIPE, 0, 0xbfbfd5d4) = 0
 18612 sh       __sigaction14(SIGPIPE, 0, 0xbfbfd5d4) = 0
 18612 sh       __sigaction14(SIGPIPE, 0xbfbfd5d4, 0) = 0
 18612 sh       __sigaction14(SIGPIPE, 0xbfbfd5c4, 0xbfbfd5ac) = 0
 18612 sh       read(0xa, 0x80b6220, 0x3ff)        = 1023
       "#!/bin/sh\n\n# Location of the Opera binary\nOPERA=/usr/lib/opera/6.0"
 18612 sh       break(0x80bc000)                   = 0
 18612 sh       break(0x80bd000)                   = 0
 18612 sh       __stat13("/usr/lib/opera/6.0-20020110.1/opera", 0xbfbfd32c) = 0
 18612 sh       "/usr/lib/opera/6.0-20020110.1/opera" = 0
 18612 sh       __stat13("/usr/lib/opera/6.0-20020110.1/opera", 0xbfbfd2fc) = 0
 18612 sh       "/usr/lib/opera/6.0-20020110.1/opera" = 0
 18612 sh       __stat13("/usr/share/opera", 0xbfbfd32c) = 0
 18612 sh       read(0xa, 0x80b6220, 0x3ff)        = 560
       "\134\n    /usr/lib/realplay \134\n    "${HOME}/.netscape/plugins" "
 18612 sh       __stat13("/home/junyoung/.opera/plugins", 0xbfbfd2cc) Err#2 ENOENT
 18612 sh       __stat13("/usr/lib/opera/plugins", 0xbfbfd2cc) = 0
 18612 sh       __stat13("/usr/lib/opera/plugins", 0xbfbfd2cc) = 0
 18612 sh       __stat13("/usr/local/Acrobat4/Browsers/intellinux", 0xbfbfd2cc) Err#2 ENOENT
 18612 sh       __stat13("/usr/java/jre1.3.1/plugin/i386/ns4", 0xbfbfd2cc) Err#2 ENOENT
 18612 sh       __stat13("/usr/lib/RealPlayer8/Plugins", 0xbfbfd2cc) Err#2 ENOENT
 18612 sh       __stat13("/usr/lib/realplay/plugins", 0xbfbfd2cc) Err#2 ENOENT
 18612 sh       __stat13("/usr/lib/RealPlayer8", 0xbfbfd2cc) Err#2 ENOENT
 18612 sh       __stat13("/usr/lib/realplay", 0xbfbfd2cc) Err#2 ENOENT
 18612 sh       __stat13("/home/junyoung/.netscape/plugins", 0xbfbfd2cc) Err#2 ENOENT
 18612 sh       __stat13("/opt/netscape/plugins", 0xbfbfd2cc) Err#2 ENOENT
 18612 sh       __stat13("/usr/lib/netscape/plugins", 0xbfbfd2cc) Err#2 ENOENT
 18612 sh       __stat13("/usr/local/netscape/plugins", 0xbfbfd2cc) Err#2 ENOENT
 18612 sh       __stat13("/usr/local/lib/netscape/plugins", 0xbfbfd2cc) Err#2 ENOENT
 18612 sh       __stat13("/usr/local/Acrobat4/bin", 0xbfbfd35c) Err#2 ENOENT
 18612 sh       fork                               = 18613
 18612 sh       getpgrp                            = 18611
 18612 sh       wait4(0xffffffff, 0xbfbfd4a8, 0, 0) = 18613
 18612 sh       write(0x2, 0x80bc100, 0x12)        = 18
       "Segmentation fault"
 18612 sh       write(0x2, 0x80bc100, 0xe)         = 14
       " - core dumped"
 18612 sh       write(0x2, 0x80bc100, 0x1)         = 1
 18612 sh       read(0xa, 0x80b6220, 0x3ff)        = 0
 18612 sh       exit(0x8b)

Is there anybody who's got it working? I have no problem with running
Linux versions of Netscape, Acrobat and Source Navigator.


Bang Jun-Young <>