Subject: Wierd time-keeping with i386 MP kernel
To: #List NetBSD current users <current-users@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Paul Goyette <>
List: current-users
Date: 02/03/2002 00:16:08
Has anyone else noticed anything wrong with the time-keeping capability
of the latest MP kernel?
It appears that the clock is ticking at 1/2 speed on my dual-CPU box.
If I run systat, it updates the screen every ten seconds, but increments
the displayed time by only 5 seconds! And ntpd cannot sync with my
This is running from sommerfeld_i386mp_1 sources updated via CVS last
Sunday evening (or maybe it was early Monday morning).
| Paul Goyette | PGP DSS Key fingerprint: | E-mail addresses: |
| Network Engineer | BCD7 5301 9513 58A6 0DBC | |
| & World Cruiser | 91EB ADB1 A280 3B79 9221 | |