Subject: Useless dependency with X11 in toplevel Makefile ?
To: None <>
From: Xavier HUMBERT <>
List: current-users
Date: 03/10/2002 20:34:56
After cleaning *everything* (nuked /usr/build, /usr/obj, /usr/tools), I=

ran ./ -d -D /usr/build.

Just after the build, and befeore making the distribution files, there
is a call to makewhatis. Till today, no problem with that.

I just updated my src tree (cvs update at 14:00 GMT), and got this

>(cd /usr/src/share/man && /usr/tools/bin/nbmake makedb)
>/usr/tools/bin/nbmakewhatis /usr/build//usr/share/man
>nbmakewhatis: Error reading `/usr/X11R6/man': No such file or director=
>*** Error code 1

No harm, mkdir -p /usr/X11R6/man fixes the problem, but I wonder why
there is a need for buidin whatis db for X, in src ? This is xsrc job,
isn't it ?
