Subject: Re: identd with NAT and IPv6 support.
To: None <,,>
From: Jon Buller <>
List: current-users
Date: 03/27/2002 17:29:36
In message <>, Greg A. Woods writes:
> [ On Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at 20:05:57 (-0500), Bill Sommerfeld wrote: ]
> > Subject: Re: identd with NAT and IPv6 support. 
> >
> > > Please consider the many valid applications it has when used correctly
> > > with encrypted replies.
> > 
> > I rarely use the word "many" to describe the size of the empty set.
> well since it's not an empty set in reality, and since you don't seem to
> know how many members it might contain, who are you to complain about my
> choice of words?  :-)

That statement is a lot easier to prove false than using such
baseless claims as "No, really there are some."  All you have to
do is name a single instance, until then I'll stick with the empty
set as the most likely enumeration of such a set.
