Subject: Re: in-kernel pppoe & bandwith usage stats
To: None <>
From: Michael Core <>
List: current-users
Date: 05/21/2002 23:17:29 wrote:
> on Tue, May 21, 2002 at 09:44:18PM +0200, Michael Core wrote:
> > Well, I assume a program in kmem group cannot read my passwords, pgp
> > keys etc. or can it?
> It can. /dev/mem is mode 640, group kmem. (This is on i386 -current)
Fortunately, for the function I need (bandwith usage plotter) gkrellm
does need no privileges. I set it to mode 755, group wheel and restarted
it. No problem. I've double-checked it with fstat. Well, all my keys and
passwords are probably compromised, now. ;-) No, but now I can run it
without a bad feeling.