Subject: Re: 1.6 su: "-" option no longer supported?
To: None <>
From: David Laight <>
List: current-users
Date: 07/11/2002 19:14:02
On Thu, Jul 11, 2002 at 01:50:14PM -0400, Sean Davis wrote:
> This was a change to getopt() in libc, I noticed it too a little while back.
> As far as I can tell on my system, su - works (it did not for a couple days,
> till '-' compatibility was put back in getopt)
> It was changed because of a standards issue, I can't remember exactly which
> standard '-' violates, but I think it was POSIX.
I raised a bug because of what happens when you type 'ls -l-'.
Unfortunately I didn't realise that anything expected a single '-'
to get through getopt().....
There is a fixed version on getopt() on my web space (
then netbsd/getopt.c - hardly a web site!) that fizes the -l- bug and
lets su, env and anything else work.
Unfortunately I don't have write access, to can't apply it :-(
David Laight: