Subject: Re: is it possible to run dhclient on a PPP line?
To: netbsd <>
From: Brian A. Seklecki <>
List: current-users
Date: 07/22/2002 04:21:33
On Mon, 22 Jul 2002 @ 10:16am (+0300), netbsd wrote:

Don't forget:



n> One of my boxes running pppd with serial modem and i dont need to use
n> dhclient.It looks is my 'pppd.options' and assume u using serial
n> modem to get
n> static ip.
n> --------------------------------------------
n> lock
n> local
n> 57600
n> /dev/tty00
n> crtscts
n> -detach
n> debug
n> defaultroute
n> ------------------------------------------------------------------
n> u can invoke pppd with simple shell script like
n> ------------------------------------------------------------------
n> #!/bin/sh
n> while :;do
n> /usr/sbin/pppd file /etc/pppd/pppd.options
n> sleep 5
n> exit
n> ------------------------------------------------------------------
n> I hope this helps
n> Greetings
n> ----- Original Message -----
n> From: "jfw" <>
n> To: <>
n> Cc: <>
n> Sent: Monday, July 22, 2002 2:52 AM
n> Subject: is it possible to run dhclient on a PPP line?
n> > My ISP has just changed their servers, and now requires users with static
n> IP
n> > to use DHCP.  (More precisely, when I called, I was specifically told that
n> > those few users who still had static IP addresses would need to "check the
n> > Use DHCP box in the Windows TCP/IP Control Panel", and until I've at least
n> > tried the equivalent of this, arguing about how loony this sounds isn't
n> going
n> > to help.)
n> >
n> > When I fire up dhclient, however, it sets the address of the PPP link to 0
n> > (specifically "inet -> netmask 0xff000000"), and
n> > then proceeds to fail miserably:
n> >
n> > Listening on BPF/ppp0/00:00:00:00:00
n> > Sending on   BPF/ppp0/00:00:00:00:00
n> > Sending on   Socket/fallback
n> > DHCPDISCOVER on ppp0 to port 67 interval 5
n> > send_packet: Input/output error
n> > DHCPDISCOVER on ppp0 to port 67 interval 13
n> > send_packet: Input/output error
n> > DHCPDISCOVER on ppp0 to port 67 interval 7
n> > send_packet: Input/output error
n> > DHCPDISCOVER on ppp0 to port 67 interval 8
n> > send_packet: Input/output error
n> > DHCPDISCOVER on ppp0 to port 67 interval 13
n> > send_packet: Input/output error
n> > DHCPDISCOVER on ppp0 to port 67 interval 10
n> > send_packet: Input/output error
n> > DHCPDISCOVER on ppp0 to port 67 interval 5
n> > send_packet: Input/output error
n> > No DHCPOFFERS received.
n> > No working leases in persistent database - sleeping.
n> >
n> >
n> > So:  does anyone use dhclient over PPP?  How do I configure it to work
n> > properly without blindly hammering the ppp0 interface address?  (Or at
n> > least hammering it in such a way that it will actually work.)  And does
n> > anyone believe that sending a dhcp request will convince their dialup
n> > network to re-issue my static address like the phone clone promised?
n> >
n> > Thanks,
n> > John Woods
n> > (usually
n> >
n> >