Subject: Re: HEADS UP: migration to fully dynamic linked "base" system
To: David Laight <>
From: Johnny Billquist <>
List: current-users
Date: 08/27/2002 15:25:58
On Tue, 27 Aug 2002, David Laight wrote:

> > We already went over this. Yes, dlopen() is not available to static linked
> > binaries today. *That* is what I'm talking about. Let's add it.
> > There is nothing (by the hand of god) that prevents you from having the
> > same code as (and then dlopen()) included in a static library.
> and that would make it a dynamically linked program!

Okay, so let's call it a dynamically linked program then.
Just preload libc in the image, and I'll be a lot happier.
I don't want it to access any other file, be dependant on any other files,
or break when some other file is missing, that's all.
If you want to label it as dynamically linked, go ahead.
I'm not interested in what you call it, but what it does.


Johnny Billquist                  || "I'm on a bus
                                  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email:           ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive!                     ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol