Subject: Re: HEADS UP: many wiconfig(8) flags deprecated; use ifconfig
To: None <,>
From: Bruno Saverio Delbono <>
List: current-users
Date: 11/16/2002 14:46:38
At 04:42 PM 11/16/2002 -0600, David Young wrote:
>which duplicate ifconfig functions. This leaves flags
> -a access point density
> -o print out statistics counters
> -s set station name for Lucent WaveMANAGER software
> -M enable/disable "microwave oven robustness"
> -R enable/disable roaming function
Cool. Has this been committed?
PS - Have you had success with compiling any 802.11b security tools such as
bsd-airtools on NetBSD 1.6x?
Kind Regards,
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