Subject: Re: 1.5 RAID set on -current GENERIC kernel?
To: Jeff Rizzo <>
From: Greg Oster <>
List: current-users
Date: 11/24/2002 10:21:49
Jeff Rizzo writes:
> I was going to move a system that's on 1.5.1_ALPHA to -current, but
> I'm having trouble getting the GENERIC kernel from the 20021002 snapshot
> to actually configure the RAID set... is there something I'm missing
> here? It doesn't do autoconfigure (even though it's set up), and
> when I try to configure it manually (with raidctl), it complains
> about /dev/raid0d and refuses to configure.
> Now, as far as I can tell, RAIDframe is still in the GENERIC kernel
> for -current, and the major number hasn't changed. So, what am I missing??
RAIDframe was taken out of GENERIC while the RAIDframe+LOCKDEBUG/SMP problems
were being sorted out... You'll either need to add RAIDframe back into
a GENERIC kernel from 20021002, or (better) grab a more recent (anything
after Nov. 13) -current snapshot... (hmmm... someone should make a more
recent snapshot.... :-/ )
Greg Oster