Subject: Re: Did I miss a thread on and the "-E" flag?
To: None <>
From: Mario Kemper <>
List: current-users
Date: 12/13/2002 18:49:35
Hisashi T Fujinaka <> writes:
> I know I'm not supposed to build to "/" but it's easy and I've hosed my
> system several times by trying to manually copy files from a different
> Is there any real reason (besides I could hose my system, which is the
> fastest P4 in the house that only compiles NetBSD daily) that I shouldn't
> do a " -u -E" ?
I do builds to / since NetBSD 1.0 i think. I hosed my system about
two or three times in this time (must be 5 or 6 years now). And by
hosed i mean that NetBSD hicked. Nothing that couldn't be cured.
But you should know what you do and you should follow source-changes.
And you should develop a sense for certain commits that should
postpone yout next update for some days. And you should be able to fix
those problems.
At least i wouldn't recommend to do daily unattended -current builds.
Mario Kemper