, <port-i386@netbsd.org>
From: David Francheski <davidf@caymas.com>
List: current-users
Date: 01/17/2003 01:20:59
I'm having problems regarding trying to get the serial console
redirected properly.
Our system is a SuperMicro 6022 system. The BIOS supports "console
redirection" as an option for configuration so I enable it, setting the
port to A, and use 57.6 baud, vt-100 console type, and various attempts
flow control (xon/xoff, rts/cts, none). I have a serial console
to the system and then configure the NetBSD system. In the
configuration I
set up the following configuration items in the kernel config file
the make (changing the address for the com 0 port of 3f8 instead of
# This option allows you to force a serial console at the specified
# I/O address. see console(4) for details.
options CONSDEVNAME="\"com\"",CONADDR=0x3f8,CONSPEED=57600
# you don't want the option below ON if you are using the
# serial console option of the new boot strap code.
options CONS_OVERRIDE # Always use above! independent of boot info
I have tried different tweaks to the wscons.conf but without much luck.
What happens on boot of the generated kernel is that the console
actually do get redirected to the serial connect (I am connecting
through a
Console Management station which takes the serial port and maps the
console/keyboard over) and the messages seem to be echoed out properly.
The last messages I get on the redirected screen are:
Starting sshd
Starting inetd
Starting cron
<a printout of the current date/time >
then the connection goes dead and all I get are garbage characters on
screen, I am expecting that this must be the time wscons takes over for
console - and I am getting all the same characters echoed on the screen
(alpha character) - but I have no keyboard input and there the data on
screen is just garbled.
Is there a secret to enabling a serial redirected console (some point of
configuration) that I am missing?
Appreciate any helps towards resolving this.
David L. Francheski
Caymas Systems, Inc.
1179 N. McDowell Blvd., Suite A
Petaluma, CA 94954
Phone: 1-707-283-5038
FAX: 1-707-283-5001
email: davidf@caymas.com