Subject: ifconfig makes current crash
To: None <>
From: Alexander Grigo <>
List: current-users
Date: 03/30/2003 19:57:58
I'm running current as of 20030213 (not sure) and observe
a kernel crash after invoking
# ifconfig stf0 create && ifconfig stf0 destroy
two times in a row.
To be more precisely, I ran
----------------- 8< -----------------
while [ "" = "" ]
echo "counter:" $n
echo create...
ifconfig stf0 create
echo set addr...
ifconfig stf0 inet6 2002:1234:1234::1
echo destroy...
ifconfig stf0 destroy
sleep 1
n=$(($n + 1))
----------------- 8< -----------------
and got a kernel crash during the second 'destroy', i.e.
the 'echo destroy' appears followed by a prompt to the
kernel debugger.
(I tried this twice to be sure that this is repeatable.)
Anything related to this known?
Thanks in advance,