Subject: Re: PPPoE stats
To: Jean-Edouard BABIN <>
From: Quentin Garnier <>
List: current-users
Date: 04/08/2003 15:08:12
Le Tue, 08 Apr 2003 14:31:04 +0200
Jean-Edouard BABIN a ecrit :
> I am wondering if there is a easyer way
> I think it's possible to code it in the pppoe support of the kernel but
> where ?
ifwatchd(8), I'd say.
Quentin Garnier -
"Feels like I'm fiddling while Rome is burning down.
Should I lay my fiddle down and take a rifle from the ground ?"
Leigh Nash/Sixpence None The Richer, Paralyzed, Divine Discontents, 2002.