Subject: Re: anonget2 (Was: Re: galeon and threads on -current)
To: None <>
From: George Michaelson <>
List: current-users
Date: 05/29/2003 15:27:59
Add in mplayer, xine, and a couple of other apps locally.
This is under memory stress, and filestore walks. I suspect that the UVM effect
of locking almost all other interactive apps out exacerbates any timing
constrained behaviour here
(eg, the periodic find down the disktree, or cvs in the background, or a make
with lots of .o, X11 interaction, and then run one of the threaded apps.. bingo)
Do other BSD variants have the same issues with Pthreads? Is this transitional
for some number of revisions until kernel locking/threading settles in a bit?
We'd just had maybe 4-5 months of this one going away. Shame it came back!