Subject: Re: build followed by install can die?
To: Luke Mewburn <>
From: Robert Elz <kre@munnari.OZ.AU>
List: current-users
Date: 06/26/2003 23:33:17
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2003 01:38:10 +1000
From: Luke Mewburn <>
Message-ID: <>
| Sure; but the original poster wanted to know what was the target to
| use to make sure install=/ wouldn't fail [due to broken sets], and
| "distribution" does that because it makes checkflist in distrib/sets/
| ... (I'm sure you knew this :)
Yes, but I would never suggest to anyone to rely upon that.
That's because, for me it doesn't work, as I have the checkflist stuff
deleted as being fundamentally stupid (for me -- its function for the
overall NetBSD process is fine - that is, someone needs to run it,
but that someone doesn't have to be me!)
checkflist is guaranteed to fail for me, as my $DESTDIR has all kinds
of stuff in it that isn't expected to exist in a "clean" build - it needs
all this stuff as I want to be able to use $DESTDIR as if it were my
installed system (as in the "chroot $DESTDIR"), so it ends up with all
the extra cruft in it that always appears in average systems, which
checkflist moans and bitches about - and then aborts the build...
Having checkflist do that (for someone) is good, as it makes sure that
files that are being built haven't been forgotten from the sets files.
Aside from that one someone, no-one else cares if there's a $DESTDIR/usr/kre
or $DESTDIR/home/kre or anything else "strange" in $DESTDIR.