Subject: Somethings steals space from /
To: None <>
From: Arto Huusko <>
List: current-users
Date: 06/26/2003 21:54:57
My VMWare problems continue...
It seems that when I'm running VMWare, it "steals" space from /. That is,
free space left on / (as reported by df for example) falls depending on
how much memory VMWare is configured to use.
Note that VMWare is not creating any files on /. Also, output of
"du -x" and "df" do not agree.
For example, just now I ran "du -x", and it reports on the last
line "38761 ." while df shows 182505 used blocks on /.
This is kind of a bummer, because this limits severly how much
memory I can assign for VMWare.
And this is on -current 1.6T, sources from beginnig of June.