Subject: Re: replacing sendmail with postfix default
To: None <>
From: Bruno Saverio Delbono <>
List: current-users
Date: 06/28/2003 21:18:34
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Moin Rick!=20
Rick Kelly schrieb am Samstag, den 28. Juni 2003:
>William Allen Simpson said:
>>What are the problems with postfix in the tree? I don't see a lot of
>>problem reports, and many of the public and private comments I've seen
>>indicate that many folks are running postfix.=20
>The main problem with postfix is that it needs to have some documentation.
>Setting it up to receive mail and deliver system mail to a central system
>on the network is no problem, but actually using it for the main mail
>server in a domain is somewhat left to the imagination. It seems to use
>flat files rather than databases for spam control, which must lead to
>performance problems when access databases get as large as the are today.
This is simply not true. Postfix documentation and is adequetly
prepped up for someone (anyone) to setup a mail server without having to go
through the setup problems with sendmail.
1) UCE settings can be made in flat files, however most databases (including
berkeley are supported by default). There is a lot of information
available to do so.
2) Both sendmail and postfix are not setup to filter mail out of the box.
3) Unlike sendmail, postfix has had a very good security history.
>There seems to be dozens of postfix sample files that have little or no
>explanation about their purpose in life. The file seems to be in a
>constance state of flux, where the order of entries change slightly with
>every release. This makes it difficult to upgrade easily on a previously
>configured server.
I can't believe how dumb a statment such as this is. I'm not rooting for
postfix, but unless you learn to read the sample files you cannot make such
ridicouls statements. Postfix upgrade path is very simple and straight
>Sendmail works fine. It is documented in detail in books. I set it up the
>first time back in the eighties via "man sendmail".
Go back to the 80's then, as you don't look like you have a bloody clue
mate. Have you ever even setup a mail server?
Bruno Saverio Delbono <bdelbono at leviathan dot lucifer dot at>
Systems Engineer - Open-Systems Group Inc.
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