Subject: Re: Ipfilter question
To: Peter Eisch <>
From: Jochen Kunz <>
List: current-users
Date: 09/02/2003 18:30:19
On 2003.09.02 17:28 Peter Eisch wrote:

> I'm so used to mapping ports with rdr, I seem to have totally lost my
> sanity when trying to do a static nat from an inside IP to an outside.
> What is the proper statement to stick in ipnat.conf to map outside
> B on nic out0 to inside host A on in0?
1. would be a more apropriate place to ask. 
2. man ipnat.conf
There is written:
       rdr    that is used for  redirecting  packets  to  one  IP
              address and port pair to another;

       bimap  for  setting up bidirectional NAT between an exter-
              nal IP address and an internal IP address and
Note the "and port" in rdr. So somthing like 
bimap out0 A/32  -> B/32
should do your trick. 

