Subject: Re: BSD Authentication
To: None <>
From: Peter Seebach <>
List: current-users
Date: 09/07/2003 20:57:01
In message <>, Chuck Yerkes writes:
>BSD Auth:
> get the libraries working.
>Run through the code that might use it (or borrow wholesale from
>a project that's got it). This effort itself will give you the abstractions
>you need for authentication. That's a huge step.
>And you make BSD Auth work.
I could happily do this. I mean, that part's easy; the only hard part
would be writing /usr/libexec/login_*. I might even be able to fast-talk
one of the Wind River people into releasing some of that code.
Tell ya what.
Who here wants a small separate source tree which builds:
1. libbsdauth.a
2. /usr/include/auth.h (or whatever it gets called)
3. Patched versions of "login" and "su".
I can probably produce one. Maybe someone else can clean the code up so
it's of tolerable quality. :P
>If, later, someone wants to try PAM, then the "getpwent()" routines
>will have been moved in (for ex.) su(1) to a more generic "getauthinfo()"
>type of routined.
Good point.