Subject: alpha/3256 status?
To: NetBSD-current users ML <>
From: Nikos Ntarmos <>
List: current-users
Date: 10/29/2003 20:23:40
Hi there.
Is there any chance alpha/3256 will be fixed on time for the release
of 3.4? Alternatively, does anybody know what's the latest (current
or stable) version not suffering from these crashes? I've seen'em
happening all the way from 3.3 up to the latest -current, on a
must-be-stable 164SX. Downgrading is ok with me, provided the
nightmare goes away for good...
Nikos "Noth" Ntarmos | < ntarmos at ceid dot upatras dot gr >
NetCINS Lab. @ C.E.I.D. | [ http://{noth,p2p} ]
U. of Patras - Greece | ( 38.2594N, 21.7428E ) ( 1024D / CF95160A )