Subject: Re: openssl performance changes!
To: NetBSD current list <>
From: William Allen Simpson <>
List: current-users
Date: 11/06/2003 13:42:16
Fortunately, I have some files saved spanning the problem/omission, so here's some hard comparative numbers, using the same input file:
./qsafe 64 < n1024q0 > n1024s0
# Mon Jun 30 17:42:43 2003 Final 64 Miller-Rabin trials (0 generator)
# Mon Jun 30 18:17:27 2003 Found 7 safe primes of 12816 candidates in 2084 seconds
./qsafe 64 < n1024q0 > n1024s0x
# Sun Oct 5 23:56:35 2003 Final 64 Miller-Rabin trials (0 generator)
# Mon Oct 6 02:40:39 2003 Found 7 safe primes of 12816 candidates in 9844 seconds
./qsafe 64 < n1024q0 > n1024s0xx
# Thu Nov 6 12:57:26 2003 Final 64 Miller-Rabin trials (0 generator)
# Thu Nov 6 13:32:28 2003 Found 7 safe primes of 12816 candidates in 2102 seconds
As you can see, the problem has been fixed (for i386) in
William Allen Simpson
Key fingerprint = 17 40 5E 67 15 6F 31 26 DD 0D B9 9B 6A 15 2C 32