Subject: Re: The Intel C++ compiler
To: None <>
From: Vincent Habchi <>
List: current-users
Date: 12/27/2003 21:44:55
Chuck Yerkes <> dixit :

> > PS : of course, I know this compiler is not portable ! :)
> Yeah, and that's a big issue.
> 1) it's for linux
> 2) the license, afair, prevents its inclusion
> 3) it runs on 1 of the 500 some platforms that netbsd runs on ;)


But that's not a reason to completly ignore it.
Okay, it works only on i386 with the Linux emulation.
It is not indispensable, so NetBSD can work without it.
But if it can significantly improve the performance of some tools -
given that the code cannot be further optimized - why not try it ?
