Subject: Error detected by libpthread: Invalid mutex
To: None <>
From: Brian Stark <>
List: current-users
Date: 01/24/2004 21:03:16
FWIW, while running Mozilla 1.6 (from pkgsrc) on NetBSD 1.6ZH today, the
program died twice:
rainforest:bstark$ mozilla
mozilla-bin: Error detected by libpthread: Invalid mutex.
Detected by file "/usr/src/lib/libpthread/pthread_mutex.c", line 312,
function "pthread_mutex_unlock".
See pthread(3) for information.
rainforest:bstark$ mozilla
mozilla-bin: Error detected by libpthread: Invalid mutex.
Detected by file "/usr/src/lib/libpthread/pthread_mutex.c", line 312,
function "pthread_mutex_unlock".
See pthread(3) for information.
My system was built January 16th, 2004 and my version of pthread_mutex.c
$NetBSD: pthread_mutex.c,v 1.17 2003/11/24 23:54:13 cl Exp $
The place in the file where the program died looks like this:
pthread_mutex_unlock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex)
struct mutex_private *mp;
pthread_t self, blocked;
int weown;
pthread__error(EINVAL, "Invalid mutex",
mutex->ptm_magic == _PT_MUTEX_MAGIC); <-- this is line 312
[.. remainder of function deleted for space ...]
I wasn't doing too much with Mozilla -- just browsing the web
site looking for a new laptop.
I don't see any core files, so there isn't much else to report. Anyone
else seen this?
Brian Stark