Subject: Re: flist oddity.
To: Richard Rauch <>
From: Luke Mewburn <>
List: current-users
Date: 01/26/2004 04:12:28
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On Sat, Jan 24, 2004 at 03:30:17PM -0600, Richard Rauch wrote:
  | I was building a new "./ release" for myself, and hit that dear
  | old friend, flist inconsistancies.  Specifically, some files such as
  | ./usr/X11R6/bin/inb are in the tree, but not in the flist.
  | Poking around, I find that 7 of the 8 "bonus" files are listed in
  | *three* places in the flist:
  |  * xbase4/md.amd64
  |  * xbase4/md.i386
  |  * xserver/md.i386
  | why are they doubly-listed for the i386?

The sets that match "x*3" are for native builds of xsrc/xc (XFree86 3.x)
The sets that match "x*4" are for native builds of xsrc/xfree/xc (XFree86 4.x)
Both of these will be deprecated in the near future.

The sets that match "x*[^34]" are for reachover builds from src/x11
of xsrc/xfree/xc (XFree86 4.x).

  | Should they be doubly-listed for the amd64, too?


  | Whatever the solution to my specific problem, the above seems to
  | be very wrong.
  | (I've been having a hard time getting X to build---it kept insisting that
  | the XpmI.h file was missing at a certain point, despite "cvs update" and
  | "make clean" (in .../src, .../src/x11, and .../xsrc).  I'd like to have
  | a "release set" for the current state of things, but mostly I just want
  | to install X (without having to do a tedious update to /etc for a full
  | system isntall)---"make build" in the X dir produced a core-dumping X
  | server )^&, which happened before and was "cured" by doing
  | "./ release".)

I don't understand what you're doing to prevent the build from
functioning correctly.

Could you send the output of
	./ [] params

My laptop is running a very recent build of src & src/x11, built with
	./ -V MKX11=yes release sets

To upgrade the laptop, I extract the following sets to `/':
	base comp games man misc text xbase xcomp xfont xserver

I manually merged the contents of xetc.tgz, and used the following to
apply any necessary changes from etc.tgz:
	mkdir /tmp/foo
	cd /tmp/foo
	pax -zrpe -f /path/to/etc.tgz
	./etc/postinstall -s `pwd` fix
	cd /
	rm -rf /tmp/foo


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