Subject: Re: My cvs update just took 11:57 (12 hours!)
To: None <>
From: Xavier HUMBERT <>
List: current-users
Date: 02/08/2004 16:59:08
Perry E. Metzger <> wrote:
> That's not true. The old anoncvs wasn't capable of handling nearly as
> many users as the new one. The difference is that the new one is so
> much faster and more reliable that far more people are now using it.
I don't know for others, but here my main CVS repository stopped to sync
between 30/01/2004 09:00 GMT and 01/02/2004 06:00 GMT
Since then I was never able to do a cvs update.
What happened on Feb 1st ?
They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety (Ben. Franklin)