Subject: install=/ renders system unusable
To: None <>
From: Adrian Kiess <>
List: current-users
Date: 02/20/2004 01:30:32
just wanted to drop a note to be carefull doing a install=/
right now. for me, it left me with an unusable system.
Shared object "" not found
*** Failed target: installsets
*** Failed command: (cd /usr/src/distrib/sets &&
/usr/src/obj/tooldir.NetBSD-1.6ZK-i386/bin/nbmake INSTALLDIR=/ INSTAL
LSETS= installsets)
as you expect now i couldnt execute anything.
i thus extracted base.tgz and etc.tgz from an 1.6.1 cd to /, but after
rebooting i just got the message that init failed and something like:
dumping dev 0,1 ... now it counts fromsomewhat 512 to zero.
if anyone can help me on this, i would be very happy.
good night for now.
Adrian Kiess <dac at conglom dash o dot org> -