Subject: Re: cleaning out xsrc
To: None <>
From: Jukka Salmi <>
List: current-users
Date: 03/07/2004 17:52:19

Steve Bellovin --> current-users (2004-03-07 11:43:43 -0500):
> In my /usr/xsrc, I have lots of .depend files and Makefiles.  Here's a 
> partial sample from a 'cvs update':
> ? xc/lib/Xdmcp/.depend
> ? xc/lib/Xdmcp/Makefile
> ? xc/lib/Xdpms/.depend
> ? xc/lib/Xdpms/Makefile
> What's the right way to clean them out?  'make clean' in /usr/xsrc 
> doesn't work:

Does 'make cleandir' work?

HTH, Jukka

bashian roulette:
$ ((RANDOM%6)) || rm -rf ~