Subject: Re: nfs bug?
To: YAMAMOTO Takashi <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: current-users
Date: 06/02/2004 12:08:14
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On Wed, Jun 02, 2004 at 09:38:03AM +0900, YAMAMOTO Takashi wrote:
> > Is there an RFC we can quote to Microsoft about this? Or is there an RF=
> > that we're not understanding right?
> i don't know.
> rfc1813 says that nlink is "the number of different names
> for the same file". but it's obscure about ".." and ".".
> (and even the presence of them are vary.)
> maybe it's better not to assume that nlink is maintained in
> the unix-conventional manner, at least for nfs.
I think I found the general area of the problem, though I don't know the=20
code well-enough to continue. The fts source has the following comment:
* The real slowdown in walking the tree is the stat calls. If FTS_NOSTAT =
* set and it's a physical walk (so that symbolic links can't be directorie=
* we can do things quickly. First, if it's a 4.4BSD file system, the type
* of the file is in the directory entry. Otherwise, we assume that the nu=
* of subdirectories in a node is equal to the number of links to the paren=
* The former skips all stat calls. The latter skips stat calls in any leaf
* directories and for any files after the subdirectories in the directory =
* been found, cutting the stat calls by about 2/3.=20
I think the problem is that the code's making an assumption which isn't=20
true for this NFS server. Unfortunately I don't understand the code=20
well-enough to know what exactly that assumption is. :-)
Take care,
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