Subject: Re: src/etc/etc.i386/ problem MKISOFS_FLAGS?
To: Chris Ross <>
From: Luke Mewburn <>
List: current-users
Date: 06/23/2004 17:31:40
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On Tue, Jun 22, 2004 at 12:36:35PM -0400, Chris Ross wrote:
| Hey there. I am crossbuilding on a sparc64 running Solaris 10,
| and when building for i386, the make release ran to completion.
| I then tried to use the Makefile in src/etc to build "iso-image".
| mkisofs complained:
| mkisofs: Uh oh, I cant find the boot image=20
| 'i386/installation/floppy/boot-big.fs' !
| Upon some research, it looks like it's basing the filesystem
| in i386, so that path (as an argument to the -b option of mkisofs)
| should be "installation/floppy/boot-big.fs". I made that change
| in my src/etc/etc.i386/, and it now builds the ISO.
| Is this a bug that should be fixed, or an oddity because I'm
| building on a Solaris system? I can't figure out how it would
| ever be the way the makefile is written...
What version of mkisofs do you have installed?
(c.f, "mkisofs -v")
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